October 14, 2009

Acorns and Graces

The rains were plentiful this season—for weeks now acorns have been dropping. They pelt the roof like hail even in the absence of storm winds. It is startling. All hours of the day and night they fall.

This morning, a single seed rested in the crevice of a rotting tree stump. The acorn had balanced there in the moist, dark air until warmed and stirring, it wound a curl of root into the bark, more soil than wood.

Gathered in a circle last evening, a group of women expressed, each in turn, a strength they possessed. There was giving, intuitiveness, humor, friendship, parenting, listening, music, and singing. Their gifts were simple, their field of influence small. Likely none of their achievements would ever be grand or noted by many. Yet it did not matter. For they were joined in purpose, connected in spirit to continue offering the graces they possessed. And it was good. And thus, linked together, they were also linked to other women in other parts of the world persisting to be what the God they loved had made them to be.


Anonymous said...

Acorns & Graces

Beautiful thoughts, wisdom, and picture. When enlarged it jumps out at you! You can see how things die in order to live again. Right before your eyes you can see a tall giant oak growing from within the usually o'ver-looked decomposing acorn.re

Liz said...

Reminds me of Mt St Helens where every living
plant and creature were destroyed; yet, without the
help of man, tiny creatures are once again living on new born plants.

The photo here is amazing. I feel a sort of
communication going on.

Jackie said...

I love this one. Such a beautiful picture and symmetry between the acorn seed taking root and the women circling each other for root of support, sisterhood, etc.

Vengiletti said...

Each of your responses increase the meaning of that experience for me. Thank You