July 3, 2010

Another Way of Knowing

Very few people realize that Doughton Park is a National Park. It doesn't get the visitors it deserves perhaps because people move at a quicker pace today and require more electronic stimulation. But I have yet to come away from a visit there unfulfilled.

I am grateful for the ability to perceive depth and color and light,

To be drawn beyond myself.

All the evolutionary talk of preserving life in DNA and gradual mutation to bring about change and survival of species,

Doesn't explain for me why man can recognize and interpret beauty.

For there is more to this world than mere existence,

And I can know beauty in these forms without language.


Sherrie said...

Don't even get me started on how completely people fail to appreciate things that don't leap out at them with blinking lights and clanging sounds. ;-)

The pictures have such an interesting texture to them, as if they've been layered bit by bit. Very quiet pictures that speak slowly and fully.

Liz said...

The photography here is artful. So beautiful!
These are not just photos but you allow your camera
to tell us a story. And yes! Nature keeps giving
and one can never be full. It is like dancing in
a circle of love.

Unknown said...

beautiful!! wish i could have joined you on your trip! I want to comment on your DNA>Beauty comment. I think it is like this.. the beginings of man either lived from good choices or died from the bad. and so only the living (w/ "good choice genes") pass on what works and this knowledge would start the idea of hardwired attractiveness.those that cannot percieve it probably die. It could be a ripe berry, a plump grubworm, who knos. theres the idea that symmetry is beautiful, which is natures blueprint for some of the most primative organisms. This is how we think today b/c "they" lived.. not died. I like evolution aka genefunnel hehe!