March 7, 2011

Home Away From Home

Day Nine

They picked out a small piece of property
Not even married a year
Cleared it of underbrush
Each time they visited the sea.

They walked the dimensions of their land
Discovered every tree and flower,
The birds that sang in the spring and fall,
Transplanted trees growing too closely
And placed them to thrive at the entrance.

They hoped to bring their family
In years to come
To create memories of summers spent together
Making a home away from home.

For years they traveled together
Bringing their children
To the salt spray of the ocean
Always stopping by their property
To walk through the growth of trees and imagine
A home through the twining brambles.

Recently they retrieved a small building plan
From far beneath forgotten papers
They are retiring now
The trees they planted no longer distinguishable
Among the scrubby pines
That choked them
Perhaps, soon
They may build a small home
Where memories could be made of summers
Making a home away from home.

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